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Thank you for visiting Bethany Baptist Church—you are welcome here! We are a church full of history, offering traditional worship experiences in service and in Bible Studies.  Please explore our website where you will discover the wide variety of fellowship and service opportunities available.  We look forward to seeing you at Bethany and would love to meet you and share our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.
If you have any questions concerning our church or our worship services, please email us using the contact form below.
Service Times

Sunday Morning Bible Study:  Adults: 9:30 A.M.​

Sunday Morning Worship

Our traditional service is currently a combination In-House or Drive-In Service starting at 10:30.  


We also share in Christian fellowship in remembering our Lord through Communion on the  4th Sunday of each month

Children's Church

Children have an opportunity to learn more about their Christian faith.  After experiencing part of adult worship, they are escorted out for their own worship time which includes a Bible Story and craft.

  • The Bi-weekly Bible Study meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month.

  • The monthly meal/Bible Study is the first Wednesday of the month.

A Greeting from our Pastor

Let me begin by saying “Welcome to our community of faith!”  It is our hope that you will encounter God in powerful ways through worship, Bible Study, fellowship, and service, and that you will feel connected with those you meet.


Bethany Baptist Church is a historical church that began meeting in 1770.  We have been in existence for almost 250 years and our heritage has been shaped by committed Christian believers who have sought to deepen their faith and to impact the surrounding community in a multitude of ways for Christ.


We would love to answer any questions you have about ways to deepen your faith journey, or about ways to get involved in our family of faith.  Please do not hesitate to contact us.  I would love to have the opportunity to visit with you and your family about connecting with our congregation. 

May you be challenged.  May you be embraced.  May you be blessed.


Dr. Susan McBride

Interim Pastor

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Upcoming Events


New things are happening at Bethany all the time.  Be sure to visit our Upcoming Events page to see more details and information on upcoming activities for Bethany families and friends!

Bad Weather


“The Winter of 2024 is here. As a reminder concerning services/meetings at Bethany, here is  our process for determining whether we will have services/meetings at Bethany.​

  1. The Pastor (Susan McBride), Chair of Deacons (Debra Orrock) and Chair of Properties (Harry Newman) will confer and make a decision whether to have drive in church or  cancel service/meeting at the church.

  2. Once these three have made a decision, one of them will contact Bethany Messages (sent by Lora and Matt Faulconer) for an official word to be sent out concerning church services.

  3. If you are not signed up for Bethany Messages, please see Lora and Matt Faulconer to get your name on the list.

Let’s pray we have a safe and warm winter!”

Contact Us

If you have Pastoral needs, you can use the contact form to email the Pastor or you may call at:  (804) 448-3508  (You will reach voicemail.  Please leave a message).

Thanks for submitting!

Physical Address

Bethany Baptist Church

5001 Arcadia Rd

Woodford, Virginia  22580

Phone:  (804) 448-3508

CCLI:  11482623
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Mailing Address

Bethany Baptist Church

P. O. Box 408

Thornburg, Va 22565

© 2020 by Bethany Baptist Church, Woodford, VA. Proudly created with

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